Thursday, August 19, 2010


Photocenter Studio

August 18th, 2010
Today we had the opportunity to use a studio at Photocenter Northwest. We practiced composing ourselves for our pictures, using professional equipment and photographing clients.

Magazine Cover

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Duwamish Longhouse

August 10, 2010

We visited the Duwamish Longhouses and the adjacent park today. There were a lot of interesting tools and traditional items in the longhouse, including Duwamish woven baskets, hats and clothing. The Duwamish people are still fighting to get government recognition as a federal tribe, an ongoing battle between the state and the natives of the Seattle area. Across from the longhouse was the Duwamish river and the park that included a boat structure and old poems/stories.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Delridge Community Library

July 29, 2010

Inside the Delridge Community Library, cut up pieces of papers lay scattered around the floor as kids run around throwing paper airplanes and rockets. This summer, the library has teamed up with the Museum of Flight to create a summer program that lets kids around the community express their creativity while learning about aviation. We got the opportunity to go in, take photographs and interview the people that were there. What a great way to bring a community together!

White Center Food Bank

July 28, 2010

Working as a volunteer for various places for the past 20 years before becoming the Resource Coordinator at White Center Food Bank, Audrey has poured her dedication into helping the West Seattle community. The White Center Food Bank has been serving canned and fresh food to around 1,500 families a month for the past 30 years. A new project of White Center is the community gardens around the facility. The front and sides of the building itself holds “edible landscaping”, a plot of small land that grows strawberries and herbs, instead of decorative flowers, that will go to benefiting clients. The gardens provide all natural and organic crops that can go directly to those in need. Four times a year, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and peppers are harvested and given away.